Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trinity's box nap

Hey, Trinity wake up! This doesn't happen often now does it? Trinity is very funny, this proves that. When I say this , I mean the picture. Any way this is Caleb Josiah Heath signing off.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Fun Game.

Guess what this is. If you guessed pillow fight, you guessed right. If this does not look anything like a pillow fight blame Mom, she took the picture. Anyway this is Caleb's Cool Inventions. I'm Caleb Josiah Heath, yes like the candy bar.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mount Rainier

I would like to climb this mountain. Wouldn't it be fun to camp in a snow fort? Any way, this picture was taken at Ollolie Lake camp ground. This picture was taken in September, 2009. Well, I have got to stop typing now. Have a nice day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I remember that!

I remember the Fourth of July. I remember the school fireworks compared to our home fireworks. I remember... wait did we have tacos or pizza for dinner? Well, you can't remember everything that's what movie cameras are good for. I'm (sometimes) forgetful.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Aaah weird, scary Caleb

Whose cake is it? Oh it's mine! Orrr was my cake. Aaaaaah, who cares? We can't eat it. We can just look at it and have our mouths water. Bye!